First Holy Communion is received when a student is in the second grade. Students must have attended religious education for two (2) consecutive years leading up to receiving their sacrament. (Example: attended 1st and 2nd grade to receive sacrament in 2nd grade).
Students are prepared in their classes to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Requirements to receive first Holy Communion:
A student enrolled will go through a two-year sacrament preparation course.
Attend our program and participate at least 80% of the time.
"Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the 'source and summit' of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and her members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation."